Sunday, September 10, 2017

Topic Research: Werewolves

This week I began doing some research about werewolves and the possible story lines that I can create. When looking at different sources, it seems that Wikipedia offers the most about the background and origin of werewolves. I want to have that solid origin foundation for my story. While I am going to create made up story lines, I want to avoid getting too ridiculous with my stories. I want to stay somewhat true to the regular nature of werewolves for accuracy. I also want to incorporate the stories I found at

The first storyline that I am interested in creating involves a man and his escape from a werewolf. I am drawing some inspiration from the old folklore and modern horror movies. I could also tell it in the style of “The Most Dangerous Game” book.

The second storyline that I want to create involves a high school student and his transformation into a werewolf. It would document the life of the student as he deals with the struggles of finding out how to balance his new second life. I am drawing some inspiration from the Michael J. Fox film. I think I would use the first person narrative style. Teen Wolf Wikipedia

The third story that I want to create draws inspiration from two different sources. The first source is a folktale from The story involves a woman in an impoverished area that always somehow has a plentiful supply of meat. I want to combine this with the classic tale of Robin Hood and create a story about a werewolf that provides for the impoverished in his village. I think this could be really unique and fun.

I am certainly open to any and all suggestions and feedback. I think there are multiple ways that I could take any of these stories. I am looking forward to modifying them and solidifying what kind of story I actually want to tell. It could be something serious, funny, or both. I think this topic will be fun to work on during the semester.

(A photo of a cartoon werewolf character. Source: Wikipedia Commons)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jake
    This looks like a great project topic! I am currently reading a book about werewolves called wolfen and its really cool! I like the idea of a werewolf being a philanthropist and helping those in need like robin hood. I'm sure there will a lot of room to improvise and create your own unique story with that as your inspiration. Good luck!
