Sunday, September 3, 2017

Topic Brainstorm: Week 2

The first topic that I am interested in is Werewolves. I am interested in werewolves because they have been a topic of great popularity when it comes to fantasy movies, shows, etc. It seems that they are very well represented within pop culture, and I want to find out why. I do not have much previous knowledge about werewolves. I have seen a few movies that involve them (Underworld, Van Helsing), but it seems that there are slight variations of the werewolves that are portrayed. I want to find out the origin of werewolves and what really qualifies someone as werewolf. I think I could make up a story about a teenage werewolf like the Michael J Fox movie "Teen Wolf". Or, I could retell collections of people finding werewolves in person. I think I could get really creative with this. Possible source: Wikipedia

The second topic I am interested in is Greek Mythology. This is such a broad topic that I could take the story in many directions. I am interested because of the sheer amount of knowledge that Greek Mythology would provide. I have played video games in the past that revolved around Greek Mythology, and I think the topic could provide a lot of depth for the story. My amount of knowledge is limited, but I definitely know some about Greek Mythology. I would like to learn more about specific Greek Gods and their stories. That interests me more than broad topics. I could create stories about a Greek Gods childhood, or I could make up story lines about the relationships amongst all of the main Greek Gods. The possibilities are very vast with this one. Possible Source: Theoi.

The third topic I am interested in is Robin Hood. Robin Hood is such a legendary figure when it comes to stories I read about during my childhood. I am interested because I want to find out about the origins of Robin Hood, if he was real, and what people thought of Robin Hood many years ago. I have a limited amount of knowledge on the topic. I remember watching the animated Robin Hood movie years ago, and I watched the Robin Hood movie starring Russel Crowe. It seems that Robin Hood might just be a metaphor, but I would like to actually understand his purpose. I would like to tell stories about Robin Hood and adventures that he went on with his crew. I could make up adventures or retell ones that have been published. I could also retell the classic adventure about Robin Hood and the king. Possible source: Wikipedia.

The fourth topic I am interested in is King Arthur and his Knights. I have heard about this story since my childhood. I am interested in the topic because it seems like there are so many variations of King Arthur. I remember watching the animated movie when I was young, and I also remember seeing the live action film that came out years ago. I want to learn more about King Arthur, what his upbringing was like, the relationships with his knights, etc. There is a lot of information regarding the topic, and I am eager to learn more. I only know the basic story of King Arthur and his knights. Outside of what I have seen from an animated film, I really do not know too much. I think I could tell a story about King Arthur and combine multiple renditions about his legend. I could also tell a story about King Arthur that involves multiple milestones in his life. It would be like a progression of his legend over the years of his life. Possible source: UnTextbook.

(A photo of King Arthur's knights at the Round Table. Source: Wikipedia Commons)

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