Sunday, August 27, 2017

Time Strategies

I think the current schedule that I have will work best for me. I did not get to stick to it 100% this week, but I believe from here on it will work great. The first time management strategy I looked at was the act of Just Starting. I tend to struggle with starting tasks when I am working on long term assignments. If I can start scheduling specific work at a specific time, then I believe I can combat procrastination. I believe this will be a great tool that will help me complete work in the future. The second time management strategy I looked at was Creating Checklists. I have noticed that in the past I tend to get enjoyment out of performing small tasks. I think that I will really benefit from creating a checklist that is filled with small tasks and large tasks. I will be able to motivate myself to complete the smaller tasks first and then move on to the larger tasks afterward. This strategy compliments the "Just Starting" strategy that I mentioned earlier. I think that if I apply this knowledge to all of my classes and life in general, I will become better at beating procrastination. In the past, I have usually just completed assignments the week they were due. This has worked for me, but I think a laid out plan will benefit me greatly. In the end, time is very valuable to us all.

(Time is something that we can never get back. Source: Wikipedia Commons)

1 comment:

  1. Jake,

    My favorite time management strategy was the Just starting as well. I struggle with procrastination too so I feel your pain. I feel like when I get something going, its hard for me to stop. It is just the starting part that I have a hard time doing. It even sometimes feels weird finishing things early when you don't feel the pressure, like doing an assignment the same week its due.
