Thursday, August 24, 2017

Introduction to a small town kid

Hey everyone! My name is Jake Boone, and I am a senior Biology major. I decided to major in Biology due to my natural affinity for anything science related. I think there is a lot of challenge that a science major presents, but I have enjoyed my classes at OU. I grew up not too far from Norman in the town of Ada, Oklahoma. I have been a Sooner fan since birth. I have attended almost every home football game since I was around the age of nine. My family is full of Sooner alumni, so it only made since for me to attend the University of Oklahoma. I enjoy being outdoors and spending my leisure time in the daylight. When I am home, I like to spend time fishing and relaxing outside. I will often read books on the back patio, or play catch in the backyard. There is not always a lot to do at home, but I enjoy the simplicity it offers.

I grew up with three brothers at home. I am the middle child, so I have always been the mediator when it comes to conflict. I think having three brothers offered me a unique perspective on life. I learned how to get along with others and how to deal with multiple people living in close quarters. I think having multiple siblings was a blessing. I always had someone that was willing to play video games, catch, or hang out. In the photo below, I am standing in the middle left.
(This is a photo with my siblings at my brother's graduation from the U.S. Air Force Academy. Personal photo: June 2016)

I think that there is a lot to be said when it comes to introducing yourself to other people. I am not too sure what else to include in my post, but I am confident that I will draw ideas from others in the class. I hope that I am able to revisit this post in the future and add more to offer a better glimpse into my life. For now, I will leave you with this brief introduction about who I am.


  1. What a great picture of you and your brothers, Jake! And I hope the creativity aspect of this class can be useful to your life as a scientist: in both storytelling and in science, you need divergent and convergent thinking skills, so you can use this class as a way to experiment with that. And unlike scientific experiments where you might need a laboratory and all kinds of equipment, storytelling experiments can happen anywhere at any time! And I know you are not the only person in class excited about what this football season will bring. There are usually some Bob-Stoops-inspired stories in the class every Fall, and this will be the first semester with a new coach... which means: a new story hero, assuming that things go well. We shall soon see! :-)

  2. Hi Jake! You and your bothers look so much a like! I bet you get that a lot though. I think it's so cool that you knew you wanted to go to OU for basically your entire life and that most of your family has gone here. We have really good family friends who are the same way and if their kids had come to OU they would have been the 5th generation of their family to come. Sadly, their three college age kids chose schools in Texas (one even chose UT which started a little bit of family drama) but they really encouraged me to check out OU and here I am!

    What are you hoping to do with biology in the future? I too have a natural affinity for the sciences and was considering majoring in marine biology before I came to OU. I didn't stray too far though since I'm majoring in psychology.

    I look forward to getting to know you more throughout the semester!

  3. Hey Jake! I’ve read a few introduction posts now but none that I could relate to as much as yours. I am also from a small town in Oklahoma (Hennessey) and know a few people from Ada as well! I must admit attending all of those home games is pretty impressive. Just like you, I am also into the outdoors and spend most of my time working outside until the sun goes down. During my free time I fish, ride my horses, or just do a little back-roading to pass some time. I have three brothers and a sister and could not agree more about them being a blessing!

  4. Hello Jake!

    I too am a middle child, so I feel your pain! When my sisters didn't get along I always had to sit in-between them in the car, dinner table, etc.
    I too am a senior! While I am not a biology major, I take a lot of the same classes that you have! I am surprised we have never ran into each other before! What do you plan on doing with a biology degree? I look forward to getting to know you and read your stories!

  5. Hey Jake!

    We have a lot in common! I too am a Biology major here at OU so I know what passion for science you are talking about. I have also been to your home town of Ada. It is quite the place when it comes to sports. They have some amazing fans in whatever the sport may be. I too love watching the OU football games. I also love playing catch and video games but I was an only child so I'm jealous you always had someone to do that with. Well I wish you the best of luck in this class and your other classes.

    Hopefully I get to know you better in this class as well!

  6. Hey Jake!

    I am glad Im not the only one who knew they were going to go to OU their whole life. I have a lot of alumni in my family as well so I know the feeling (or almost some pressure) of attending OU. I am a huge OU football fan as well and never miss a game. My brother and I would always go outside and play catch or football or whatever we could think of. I was the younger brother though so the competition between was always intense. I know my mom always makes jokes about having all boys so I'm sure your mom makes the same kind of statements having four boys. It was good to meet you!

  7. Hi Jake! It was cool to (virtually) meet you. I can tell that you care a lot about your family and that you go out of your way to do things you're passionate about. From what I can tell, we don't really have that much in common, but that means that you've done a ton of things that I've never even thought about. It's kind of awesome!

  8. Hi Jake! Nice to meet you! I love that picture of you and your brothers! I have a brother too (we're twins) so I totally understand having to mediate! It's a little different because I've only got one, but trust me he's so rowdy it feels like I have 12. I love that you've got sooner legacy! My Dad went here too but I never wanted to go here until I came on a campus tour and fell in love! Hopefully your kids will come here to and carry on the sooner tradition! Have a great day!!

  9. Hi Jake! I think it's really cool that you are a biology major! I am a science major too, but I'll admit bio is the one science discipline I really know nothing about! I can't imagine growing up with three brothers! I have one who is just about to turn 16 and he is more than enough for me to handle! I have to say I used to wish I had more siblings though, my best friend's family had 6 kids and I always loved being around so many people. I think it's really funny that you've been to so many football games here, that's a lot of commitment!!

  10. Hi Jake! Congrats on getting to senior year! And with a biology major; that's impressive! Looks like you were born to be a Sooner. Growing up with three brothers must've been hard, but you guys seem close! It's nice that you were a peacemaker in the family. Every family needs one of those. Good luck with senior year! I look forward to reading your stories!

  11. Hi Jake!
    I also have a major in something science related although it's Chemical Biosciences instead of Biology. Like you, I've always been drawn to my sciences classes ever since I started taking them. I do agree that they impose many challenges, but that's the best part because once you figure something out it gives you the greatest feeling of accomplishment. What are you planning to do with your degree after undergrad? Do you plan on going into a medical professional school like PA school or med school? Or are you going into something like research? Or maybe something completely unrelated?

  12. Wow, you've been to every home game since you were 9? That's some hardcore commitment right there! And then there's me who's only been to one game ever...but this year I got season tickets and plan to go to the rest of the games! What do you plan on doing after you graduate from OU? I enjoy the challenge science classes give, but sometimes I feel like they can be overkill. It was nice meeting you!

  13. Hey Jake! It is so cool that you continued on your family tradition of going to OU. It is always a treat meeting someone who likes science; it is a tough subject but it is so important to every day life. What are you hoping to do with your major? Something in the medical field, or maybe research?

  14. Hey what's up Jake? I hope everything is going well for you as we finish up these last few weeks in the semester. I'm looking forward to you and your group presenting in the capstone class. It was nice to get to know a little more about you from your introduction. Good luck on the remainder of the semester man.

  15. Hi Jake, I also am in a science realated major and I feel you for the challenges that it presents. I am really glad that you've found something you enjoy to make it worth it. I have been to Ada a few times before and I am glad you were able to make it to OU where you can get cheaper tickets.
