Sunday, August 27, 2017

Technology Tools for the Class

I have been blown away by the amount of different tools and options available for completing assignments in this class. I have always known what blogs were, but this is my initial experience with creating blogs. I have also never seen blogs as a platform for class assignments. In this aspect, that it what makes this class very different from others in the past. Also, I have only been exposed to a limited amount of tools that this class will utilize. I am looking forward to familiarizing myself with graphics creation, image editing, and website creation. I believe that these tools will be especially useful outside of this class. I have never had that much experience with editing, and I am looking forward to that aspect. Overall, I think that I will develop a lot of skills that I can take with me beyond this semester. I feel like I am learning how to use a computer all over again with the amount of new options available to me.

(Two kids learning how to use a computer. Source: Wikipedia Commons)

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