Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reading Notes: Mississippi Valley/Great Lakes, Part A

This week I chose to read the Mississippi Valle/Great Lakes unit. I am fairly familiar with some of the Choctaw stories because I took Choctaw 1-3 as my foreign language. I really enjoyed learning about some of the stories from my professor, so I decided to pick this unit. I took notes over a couple of the stories from part A. I might write my story over this reading for next week instead of this week.

  • The Earth Maker had a lot of cool details and analogies
  • I would like to look into the different story details implemented
  • I thought the tortoise was an interesting creation
  • Tortoise made war and did not destroy the evil as instructed
  • The advice of the grandmother is very notable
  • She explains to hare that we cannot all live forever
  • It was a painful realization for hare
  • Death is a part of our lives and we cannot escape it
  • The Creator story was really cool
  • I like how the Creator is similar to many different creation stories
  • He taught man how to surive
  • The earth was created with water first and land later
  • The crawfish created the lands by bringing mud
  • The animals were foolish to ridicule man
  • Creator taught man to hunt and cook
  • I like the connection that the animals and man have during council
  • The animals would give advice because they were much wiser
(A photo of a hare similar to the Earth Maker story. Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Bibliography: Myths and Legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes by Katharine Berry Judson. Source: UnTextbook 

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